"Cool list (pun?) but snow is defineitley overrated and I have personally had enough. I need Spring, and maybe a list that glorifies it's many wonderful attributes. :D"
"Great list, but why is it most of their children look like spoiled little snots? :) (I'm talking Cindy and Elle in particular)"
"This shit was to funny! I must be as deranged as you. :D"
"Ooops, sorry. Just saw the date on the description. I claim exhaustion from snow removal!!"
"Classic! Do you know what years these were?"
"Raquel Welch seems to have aged the best. Some of those females, and males, should get their money back on their plastic surgeries. Ugh."
"Nice list. Except for Kong, they're all lookers too."
"Damn girl, I love your replies. Each and every one. Kudos again for standing up for what you believe! :D"
"Nice list, I agree with you on all of them. The only one I would add is Saving Private Ryan. I wanted to reach through the screen and choke the living sh#t out of that coward that wouldn't shoot the"
"Yeah, I got caught up in some of these movies expecting the best. Oh well. I really agree with Under Siege being one of Seagal's best. Tommy Lee Jones and Gary Busey really helped make it great, I "
"So far so good! Like Fortunato, I'm also looking forward to your comments. :)"
"Great list. I already knew about Lincoln, Ford, Tesla, Lennon and Bonaparte but the rest I had to research. You were pretty much spot on, so kudos for you and your list. Lincoln and Lennon seem to "
"I didn't like Ratatouille, but I did like Ghost Rider. Oh well, everyone's different but I think we can agree that these lists of yours are great."
"I agree with Fortunato, that's a lot of movies! My brain, what's left of it, would be much."
"Love your comments. Don't agree with all of your picks but I love your comments!"