"OK, so I guess I never paid attention to the logo to realize that there were that many versions. Nice research dude!!"
":D. I'm thinking that this list isn't going to be so popular since freedom and it's defense seem to be politically incorrect these days in the U.S., but I really don't care. "
"It's Christina Hendricks! How can you NOT vote for her? :D"
"Great list, I never realized that there were so many characters. And, being a male, I really like the "accentuated" breasts, the sexy outfits, the long legs and so on and so forth. ;D"
"The girlbands..................(that was a very deep sigh). I would have loved to have met the redhead in Wonderland, I'd still be dating her!"
"True, but for me stuff like this works and works well. To each, their own."
"Where/how do you come up with some of these idea's! Love this one. :D"
"Looking at these pictures instills a serene feeling within, I like it! :D"
"I like this set. Something about black and white expresses this mood well. :)"
"I could think of a few more faces, but that would change the rating of this list to something beyond X. Nice job!! ;D"